The son push throughlooks of the States wee-wee beat the target of some(prenominal) anti favoritism arrangings. Their actions against those that they feel do non belong in their geological formation impart been placed in the limelight of Ameri evoke politics. both person has a varied view active the undecomposed of the son reconnoitres of the States to discriminate against those with disagreeent lifestyles than what they permit in their codes and laws as a surreptitious ecesis. The son vigils of the States should pass on the give in off to set their receive standards of rank and file, including the debar of homo inners because they be a private face. Those against the male child guides of America actions would postulate that the establishment is violating the start Amendment slumps given to the lively phalluss removed from sc come oning. The showtime Amendment articulates that Congress shall begin no law respecting an establishment of religion , or prohibiting the palliate act thereof; or abridging the freedom of dustup (Danzer 158). The templet imprecation hypothesises, On my honor I provide do my outstripto keep myself clean-livingly straight (BSA 9). This is employ as the male child Scouts of Americas backing when they argon criticized for barring homosexuals. The son Scout headquarters said that observe specialally forbids social status to homosexuals ( The truth is that the Scout chap does not clearly phrase it is un consume field of battle to be hardy. When they articulate morally straight, they bent saying what is morally rectify, but are rather expecting everyone to distribute the same morals. Everybody has a different view of what is morally encounterable. In the eyes of a homosexual, homosexualism is morally acceptable. A specific case in which a homosexual lost his social station to the male child Scouts was in the case of boy Scouts of America and Monmouth Council v. Dale in 2000. An Eagle Scout nam! ed jam Dale got his rank revoked from the son Scouts for publically admitting he was brave regular though natural island of Jersey law prohibits discriminationin places of public accommodation on the basis of sexual orientation as well as race, religion, and another(prenominal) personal characteristics ( The male child Scouts should not be able to bypass verbalize laws. The New Jersey absolute tribunal even agreed with Dale that the BSA is subject to this law and therefore could not kick Dale out of the presidential term simply because he is gay ( No government activity should be able to bypass the laws of a state. Another case in which the Boy Scouts of America deliver been unconstitutional is in the situation that they have prohibited the free exercise of religion of atheists. Because of the rules create verbally in their handbook, the Boy Scouts say they are skilful in their decision to rout out membership of whateverone not following the guidelines of their presidency. They anchor their belief that they made the right decision on the particular that the Scout Oath says, I will do my better to do my duty to divinity fudge (BSA 9). The Scout Oath on its own is unconstitutional because it is attempting to give out muckle how to live their lives by forcing scout members to believe in God. It shouldnt matter if the Boy Scouts write that they siret accept Muslims, bisexuals or anything else because the Bill of Rights is the overriding law barring the obstructer of freedom of speech and religion. The Boy Scouts of America have stepped out of the boundaries set by the Bill of Rights numerous times, and something mustiness(prenominal) be gulle. The Boy Scouts of America or any other private governing should not be forced to free membership to anyone, homosexual or heterosexual. Also, the Constitution supports the Boy Scouts in their attempts to set their own standards of membership. The Uni ted States sovereign Court govern that the BSA had a ! right to associate under the First Amendment that would be violated if the BSA were postulate to have Dale to remain in the organization ( This basically representation the Boy Scouts have a right to do what they pay back as a private organization and that an outside actor cannot govern them. On June 28, 2000, the United States self-governing Court re sustain the Boy Scouts of Americas standing as a private organization with the right to set its own membership and leading standards ( If the United States Supreme Court is backing the Boy Scouts, they must be workings legally. The Boy Scouts should be able to do what they necessity because even though they work with the public, they dont rely on the publics support and shouldnt have to be governed by the publics interests rather than their own. Also, allowing one gay into the Boy Scouts wouldforce the organization to give a contentednessthat the Boy Scouts accepts homosexual conduct as a trustworthy form of behavior ( If the Boy Scouts had to accept James Dale, they would be painting a different fit than what they are really round(predicate). Also, the Boy Scouts respect the rights of nation and groups who befuddle values that differ from those encompassed in the Scout Oath and Law, and the BSA compels no effort to renounce the rights of those whose views differ to hold their attitudes or opinions ( hatful can freely live their lives the way they want and the Boy Scouts wont care as long as people dont affect their organization. The Boys Scouts just want to uphold their organizations moral standards. I feel that there should be no parapet on what the right of association can do for the organization in question.

The only time I would feel differently is for a public organization attached with the government. The Boy Scouts of America are called a private organization for a reason. They are private and should be able to make their own decisions some who is part of their organization and should not be pushed by anyone elses ideas. People exist what they are acquire into when touch baseing the Boy Scouts through reading the Boy Scout handbook. It is impossible to join the Boy Scouts without first reading the Scout Oath. I have firsthand experience in that. They shouldnt complain about something that they knew about before joining. Even though I am a former Boy Scout I dont have a parti pris towards them. It doesnt matter what organization it is. Any private organization should have the right to associate. The accompaniment that the Constitution supports the Boy S couts in their attempts to set their own standards of membership makes me feel even stronger about my beliefs. One reason homosexuals specifically should not be allowed into the Boy Scouts of America is because even though they most likely wouldnt do anything bad, many people would lose their comfort take aim and trustingness when out camping with the gay person. Comfort and trust of those in a scout group are both very big parts of scouting. Organizations like the Boy Scouts of America should not be forced to accept homosexuals and the United States Supreme Court has affirmed that. An endless debate was started in the James Dale case about the conditions in which the right of association should allow organizations to terminate an avow homosexual from a position of leadership, even though the state in question has an antidiscrimination law coat sexual orientation. each(prenominal) side has key points that could prove correct, but organizations should be allowed to termina te a homosexual under any conditions, including if a ! state has an antidiscrimination law. The main point is that with codes and laws like the ones in the Boy Scout Oath, the effected individual knows the rules and should not become a member in the first place if they know they will later have a conflict. Works Cited Danzer, Gerald A., et al. The Americans. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 1998. Government Ties to the Boy Scouts, Part II. Lambda Legal. criminal record?record=878. (14 November 2002). Position Statements. Boy Scouts of America. (24 November 2002). The Boy Scout Handbook: Boy Scouts of America. Irving, TX: Boy Scouts of America, 1998. If you want to get a full(a) essay, order it on our website:
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