
Friday, February 8, 2019

The Link Between Down Syndrome and Alzheimers Disease Essay example --

The Link Between consume Syndrome and Alzheimers maladyThe individuals with Disabilities Education Act states that each children with disabilities, including mental retardation, be educated to the maximum extent appropriate with students who ar not disabled (2). In an ideal world, society would have no problem following this decree, but the world is less than perfect and, therefore, stigmas argon unfortunately attached to those suffering from mental disabilities, especially the mentally retarded. unmatchable has to question whether this group of people deserves these stigmas. Having grown up with two in earnest retarded cousins and, for that matter, a great uncle suffering from Alzheimers Disease, I often wondered as to what was happening within their brains. It was evident that they were unable to respond to me in a everyday fashion, but I challenged whether this was just a veneer. Being a spiritual person and believing the mind to be akin to the soul, I always felt it must b e separate from the brain. A spokesperson of me hoped that their minds were still cognizant even though their brain appe atomic number 18d to have a different physiology and they seemed to be unable to respond to me in a normal fashion. However, upon researching the link present between Down Syndrome and Alzheimers Disease, I began to question whether my former beliefs were indeed true. I think the questioning of this raises ethical issues about how we work the mentally disabled and gives quite an argument for the brain = behavior debate.As to a greater extent and more adults live longer, age-associated mental disease is becoming more and more of a concern. Present estimations state that soon nearly 10 million Americans will suffer from the disabling disease called Alzheimers. Alzheimers s... ... Risk of Down Syndome with Increasing Maternal and Paternal Age, Good exposit Sitehttp//www.lifesciences.napier.ac.uk/bws/courses/projects/downsynd/home.htm9)Alzheimers Disease and Peop le with Mental Retardation, Good Detailed Sitehttp//www.thearc.org/faqs/almr.html10)Developmental Disabilities and Alzheimers Disease, Good Detailed Site by The Archttp//www.thearc.org/misc/alzbk.html11)Epidemiology of Alzheimer Disease in Mental Retardation, Periodicals powerhttp//www.aamr.org/index.shtml12)Fact Sheet Alzheimers Disease, Family Caregiver Alliancehttp//www.caregiver.org/factsheets/diagnoses/alzheimers.html13)Harvard Researchers Link Alzheimers to Problem With Chromosome Segregation Presenilin Proteins are Found in Cell Structures Involved in Mitosis, Recent constringe Releasehttp//www.hms.harvard.edu/news/releases/897alzheimer.html

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