
Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Strange Career of Jim Crow Essay example -- Civil Rights Movement

The conflicting life story of Jim exuberateC. Vann Woodwards book, The Strange flight of Jim genus Corvus, has been hailed as a book which shaped our views of the history of the well-mannered Rights Move ment and of the American entropy. Martin Luther King, Jr. described the book as the historical Bible of the civil rights movement. The argument presented in The Strange Career of Jim line-shooting is that the Jim Crow justnesss were relatively new introductions to the South that occurred towards the turn of the century kinda than immediately after the end of Reconstruction after the Civil War. Woodward examines personal accounts, opinions, and editorials from the eras as well as the laws in place at the times. He examines the political history behind the emergence of the Jim Crow laws. The Strange Career of Jim Crow gives a new insight into the history of the American South and the Civil Rights Movement.C. Vann Woodwards The Strange Career of Jim Crow looks into the emergence of the Jim Crow laws beginning with the Reconstruction era and following through the Civil Rights Movement. Woodward contends that Jim Crow laws were not a part of the Reconstruction or the following years, and that some Jim Crow laws were in place in the North at that feature time. In the South, immediately after the end of slavery, most white southerners, particularly the upper classes, were used to the presence and proximity of African Americans. House slaves were much treated well, almost like part of the family, or a promote pet, and numerous upper-class southern children were raised with the help of a mom or black nursery- maid. The races often mixed in the demi- monde, and the cohabitation of white men and black women were far from uncommon, and some areas even had spe... ...howing the true race dealing throughout the south during that period. Jim Crow laws might not have been in effect and might have been though unnecessary by a portion of southerners , but it would be interesting to find out how many African Americans were lynched during the period before Jim Crow laws became prominent for offenses which would later be illegal under Jim Crow. Just as Woodward quoted President Eisenhower as expression you cannot change peoples hearts merely by law(163), so the lack of Jim Crow legislation does not necessarily conceive that some southerners wanted it and lived as though it existed.Works CitedWoodward, C. V. The Strange Career of Jim Crow. New York Oxford University Press, 2002. Works ConsultedC. Vann Woodward. 31 Oct. 2004. Wikipedia. 1 Nov. 2004 .

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